Monday, April 24, 2006


In the last week I have thought about Bob Saget 3 times. In the previous 20 years of my life I have NEVER thought about Bob Saget (Minus during Full House and America's Home Funniest Videos). So here is how I have come into contact with Bob Saget 3 times in the last 4 days

1) Friday I went into Boston, while talking with Cara and her friends she mentioned that Bob Saget was preforming in Boston and she would like to go see him

2) Sunday Driving on Route 1, back to school, I noticed a sign infront of a Chinese Food Restaurant "Bob Saget: Tonite"

3)Monday (11:02) While researching Dane Cooks future movies on IMDB I stumbled upon "Farce of the Penguins". This is a spoof of March of the Penguins that is supposed to come out this year. Well this movie is produced by none other than Bob Saget

So researching Farce of the Penguins further I learned that it is pretty much a cartoon satire. The only interesting part of this movie has to be the cast.

Samuel L. Jackson

Jason Alexander

James Belushi

Jason Biggs

Lewis Black

Dane Cook

Dave Coulier

Adam Duritz

Harvey Fierstein

Whoopi Goldberg

Gilbert Gottfried

Alyson Hannigan

Jim Hazelton

Samuel L. Jackson

Jamie Kennedy

Jon Lovitz

Norm MacDonald

Carlos Mencia

David Michie


Tracy Morgan

Bob Saget

Nick Simunek

John Stamos

What a cast, I feel like I could have assembled it.

Take 15 out of work actors and add 5 comediens

One thing I would like to point out.... Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, AND John Stamos are all involved in this

Which means I will be seeing this movie in hopes that the three of them will make SOME sort of joke about Full House Sucking.

Your thoughts?


At 4/25/2006 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Marc,
I am so glad this blog brings joy into your life, because it brings it into mine.

Best Wishes.

At 4/28/2006 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thoughts are: why is Samuel L. Jackson's name in there twice. Did he play 2 roles in this movie? or could it be that they are trying to give more power to the black man. alelujah.

At 5/07/2006 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

full house DID NOT SUCK.


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