Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I found this on a Disney Website I am on... Read it

We get into a log/ride vehicle with 4 teenage boys (all with shaved heads, btw. What's that about? Sorry, OT). The teenage boys are in the first two rows, Me and two 6 year olds next and 8 and 7 y/o in last row. These teenage boys were beyond obnoxious!!! First, they screamed throughout the entire ride and kept looking behind them to see what we were doing. They had some sort of big plan that they thought was hilarious. On every drop they would yell louder and put up their arms, and here is the kicker....They were holding up a disgusting hand gesture. There was a huge thread about it awhile back. It is called The Shocker and evidently it must be simply hilarious to teenage boys. Their behavior was so offensive and rude. Do these kids have no idea how to behave in public, especially when there are young children around? Obviously, the kids I was with have no idea what the Shocker is, but they recognized the actions of the boys was infantile at best. Their big plan was for the picture on the big drop.

I just think it is funny because these adults know what the shoker is


At 4/05/2006 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would like to shock you baby ;-)

At 4/06/2006 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shock this

At 4/11/2006 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they know the shocker because they like to put little fingers IN THEIR BUTT.


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