Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I have to admit - given that no one (outside of the folks who are currently working 'round the clock to finish up "Dead Man's Chest" 's over-1500 FX shots) has actually seen the finished version of "Pirates of the Caribbean II" - that it seems kind of odd to now be talking about what may lie out beyond "Pirates III."

But let's remember that the key word in the phrase "show business" is "business," folks. And given that Walt Disney Studios has spent the past 20 years trying to develop its very own viable film franchise (Remember "Dick Tracy"? Or - better yet - "The Rocketeer"? Or "V.I. Warshawski"? Or "Judge Dredd"?) … Well, now that the Mouse has "Pirates," Disney's going to do everything it can to insure that all that pirate gold continues to roll into the company coffers for years yet to come.

Don't believe me? Then let's talk about "Pirates IV." I know, I know. Gore Verbinski hasn't even finished filming "At World's End" (I.E. The tentative title for the third installment in the series) yet. And - to be honest - everyone at the studios is kind of pirated-out at the moment. Which is why (strictly as a change of pace) many people at Disney are now looking forward to the production of that other Jerry Bruckheimer sequel, "National Treasure II."

But even so, the folks in the studio's strategic planning office are already looking out over the horizon (I.E. Toward 2010 & 2011). And they're wondering if - three to four years after the third "Pirates" picture finally hits theaters - if audiences might then be ready for yet another film starring Captain Jack Sparrow.

Of course, the real key here will be whether or not Disney can successfully persuade Johnny Depp to once again put on his pirate gear. Given that Johnny's soon to be in for one hell of a payday (Once "Pirates II" & "III" recover their full production & marketing costs [Rumored to be upwards of $600 million], Depp, Verbinksi & several other key members of the "Pirates" cast & production team will reportedly split 25% of those sequels' earnings. Which could eventually add up to tens of millions of dollars for Johnny), this Academy Award nominee will never have to work again.

But what's working in Disney's favor here is that Depp seems to genuinely enjoy playing Captain Jack Sparrow. In a recent Time Magazine article, Johnny was quoted as saying:

"I truly love the character and I didn't feel I'd had enough of him in the first (film)."

Which is why Depp ultimately agreed to get his teeth capped again and then play Captain Jack Sparrow in "Pirates II" & "III."

Mind you, just because Johnny enjoys playing Captain Jack doesn't automatically mean that he's a lock for "Pirates IV." But Bruckheimer is optimistic enough about this film series continuing that he's actually having the sets for "Pirates II" & "III" stored. With the hope that - in three or four years' time - Jerry will then be able to haul these props & costumes out again. So that Gore & Johnny will then have something familiar to work with as they begin production of the fourth film.

Of course, in the meantime, it's up to the Walt Disney Company to keep the "Pirates" franchise fresh. To make sure that the public stays interested & emotionally invested in these colorful characters. That they stay evergreen.

Which explains why expensive new Audio Animatronic versions of Captain Jack Sparrow and Barbarossa are now being folded into both the Disneyland & Walt Disney World versions of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme park attraction. But how many of you know about the new "Jack Sparrow" junior novelizations …

That Disney Press has recently begun producing? Which detail Jack's career prior to captaining the Black Pearl. Back when Sparrow was just a teenage stowaway trying to make a name for himself in pirating circles.

These softcover books are designed to keep preteens interested in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" film franchise. As is the "Pirates" comic …

… that regularly appears in "Disney Adventure" & "Disney Comics" magazine.

Of course, to keep teenagers interested in this new Disney brand, the Mouse had to mount something much more elaborate: Pirates of the Caribbean Online. Where - quoting this website's advertising slogan now - "The most notorious pirate in the Caribbean … is you."

Though this ambitious & massive multiplayer game isn't actually expected to go live 'til 2007, Pirates of the Caribbean Online is already generating huge buzz. The very idea that you'll be soon able to create your very own captain character, then assemble a crew and go off in search of treasure. Where you'll then have to battle other players on their own ships with sword & cannon … Well, that has gamers just chomping at the bit to be selected as one of the beta testers for this new online game.

Speaking of which, Disney's Virtual Reality Studio is already recruiting beta testers. So if you want to be among the first to experience the online approximation of Captain Jack Sparrow's world, you might want to drop by today and register.

Anyway, Disney hopes that this online game - with its clever mix of swashbuckling daring-do & teen-friendly scares

… Plus the comic books & the junior novelizations & the theme park rides will help keep the "Pirates" film franchise alive. At least until Mr. Depp decides whether or not he's ready to commit to doing "Pirates IV."

But what do you folks think? Is Disney over-thinking this? Should the studio have first waited to see if audiences actually embraced "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" before planning all of these other "Pirates" sequels & spin-offs? Or was "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" a big enough success to warrant this sort of ambitious investment in a new franchise for the Walt Disney Company?

More importantly, were Johnny Depp to actually agree to appear in "Pirates IV," would you still be eager to see yet another installment in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" film series in five year's time?

Your thoughts?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Monday, May 29, 2006

The "Do you know...?" game

So you are at a party and you met someone from a town near your own. After you introduce yourself what is the first thing you do.

Do you know ?

Everyone plays the Do you know game.

Usually the person knows your friend. Then they turn around and ask if you know one of their friends.

Honesly can we just talk for a minute.

What is the point of the "Do you know...? game. Think about it. After you and the other person establish the fact that you know the same people WHAT HAPPENS. NOTHING!.... you just say great..

But you are usually to drunk to care about the awkwardness that happens after the "Do you know... game.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Search Beyond Adventures

Day 1 Arrive in Los Angeles late afternoon and check into the beautiful Hacienda Hotel in El Segundo.

Day 2 Enjoy the entire day at Universal Studios. Meet King Kong. Watch out for Jaws. See the 3-D Terminator. Learn how movies are made.

Day 3 Go to the famous neighborhoods of Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Tour the neighborhood of the rich and famous as you look for your favorite stars' homes. In Hollywood walk the boulevard of the stars and shop for souvenirs.

Day 4 Today is "check out the people" day at some of the wonderful beaches that make southern California so popular. First stop is wacky Venice Beach. Want your picture taken with a Martian? Can you roller skate while playing a guitar? Then go to hip Santa Monica for lunch. You might get to see dogs roller blade or other street shows. End the day at Santa Monica pier. Ride the ferris wheel over the water, try the bumper cars or other rides. If time permits we'll go to nearby Malibu for more great sun and beach.

Day 5 Today head to Anaheim to visit Disneyland. Watch the parades, shop, and get excited on the adventurous rides! Of course, you have to meet Mickey or Minnie, too!

Day 6 Today we'll wander down to Redondo Beach to enjoy the amusements and food at the pier, then take a cruise. If whale watching is in season you'll have a chance to head into the ocean to search for these great creatures. If the whales are gone, then you'll enjoy a beautiful harbor cruise. Later, we may go swimming at El Segundo beach, or head to the hotel's pool to relax, or go downtown to the lively Mexican district--great for hearing music and shopping for bargains!

Day 7 Back to Anaheim to enjoy the other Disneyland park: California Adventure. Besides more great rides you can experience shows like "It's a Bug's Life".

Day 8 Pack it up and say good-bye to all your new friends as you depart about mid-day for home.

Monday, May 08, 2006

7.4 Billion Dollars in 30 Mins

Friday, May 5, 2006 will likely be a date soon forgotten by many. Yet the importance of a short meeting held at San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art should not be overlooked.

This was the day that Pixar stockholders were to vote on the question of the proposed merger with Disney. A crowd of perhaps a hundred people gathered in the museum’s Phyllis Wattis Theater for the meeting. The stage was set with three stools and a black curtain for a backdrop. Documents mailed to shareholders indicated a 10:00 a.m. starting time. That came and went as the theater filled, with stockholders having to be searched before entering to prevent the use of any recording devices.

At 10:17 a.m., the stage was taken by three people and the meeting was called to order. Simon Bax, the Chief Financial Officer, explained the process that was about to take place and described the content of the morning’s meeting. After the business was conducted, there would be short remarks made by Ed Catmull, co-founder and president of Pixar. Lois Scali, the general counsel for Pixar was the third person on stage and she made no comments during the meeting.

Simon Bax conducted the business meeting. A final call was made to allow stockholders the opportunity to vote their proxies and the polls were closed at 10:23 a.m. The results were then announced with the stockholders voting to approve the merger of Pixar with the Disney-owned Lux Acquisition Company. Pixar then became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company. At 10:25 a.m., the business meeting was adjourned.

Ed Catmull then addressed the audience and gave a brief history of Pixar and the merger. In the company’s 20-year history, the highlight’s of that first decade were the partnership between Disney & Pixar and the production of "Toy Story" along with Pixar becoming a publicly held company. Along the way, there were many opportunities to learn lessons, some harder than others. As the end of the second decade approached things had indeed changed with the construction of the studio and the impending end of the partnership deal with Disney.

He highlighted the fact that changes in the leadership at Disney had become a major factor in the decision to resume discussions with Disney. One lesson that came into play was that Pixar had not been as successful as hoped in at efforts of marketing its own products. At the core of Pixar is the goal to make films that touch people all around the world. In the end, it was decided that the best way to do that was to join Disney.

Ed touched on the culture of Pixar. While there had been apprehension when the merger was first announced, he felt that things today were as they had been before the announcement. He also commented that the people at Disney had been nothing but gracious during this process and completely supportive of Pixar.

Finally, he thanked the stockholders for their support of the company and that the success of the company would not have been possible without them all.

And with that, at 10:30 a.m., the meeting was adjourned. On exiting the theater, the audience was given a poster for “Cars," a pin for the “One Man Band” short and the opportunity to visit the MOMA.

Simple, short and to the point, Pixar ceased to be an independent animation studio. A number of people sat as the meeting broke, seemingly waiting for something more to take place. Unlike the Disney stockholders meeting earlier this year in Anaheim, there were no photo ops with costumed characters nor showings of previews for films.

Instead it was a simple, to the point meeting. If anyone was expecting a farewell to company, this was not to be. Instead, this was a clean, quick break as the next chapter in Pixar's history begins.

Your thoughts?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

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Monday, May 01, 2006


Here are some pics ENJOY... Click for a larger pic