Monday, May 29, 2006

The "Do you know...?" game

So you are at a party and you met someone from a town near your own. After you introduce yourself what is the first thing you do.

Do you know ?

Everyone plays the Do you know game.

Usually the person knows your friend. Then they turn around and ask if you know one of their friends.

Honesly can we just talk for a minute.

What is the point of the "Do you know...? game. Think about it. After you and the other person establish the fact that you know the same people WHAT HAPPENS. NOTHING!.... you just say great..

But you are usually to drunk to care about the awkwardness that happens after the "Do you know... game.


At 5/29/2006 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah But i love that game


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