Sunday, March 19, 2006

Farmington Becomes the NEXT jerusalem

So there is a board above a shitty house down town that says "Farmington becomes the NEXT jerusalem on 6/6/06. See Here is what that website says

In the town of Farmington, Maine, a new state of affairs will soon exist which the world has never seen before. This change will occur on June 6, 2006.
Thereafter, there will be no death and no illness (except the remnants of earlier illnesses which will go away in three days or less) within the municipal limits of Farmington. Nor will there be any crime or bad behavior. You will be safe in Farmington; nothing will harm you here. The rest of the world is still the way it has been for millennia, so if you go outside the borders of Farmington you will not be protected in this particular way, though you will be no worse off than before.
Farmington will, of course, remain as free as any other American town. You may stay or leave as you choose. Nobody will try to make you stay or make you leave. Nor will anyone in Farmington try to keep anyone out. Do whatever God leads you to do.
There will be public meetings every week or so to discuss new questions that may come up because of this drastic change in the nature of Farmington. Anyone may attend them. The first such meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 6, at 7:30 p.m. in Meetinghouse Park, weather permitting.
There will be an information center for visitors and newcomers, probably at Thoughtbridge, 1 Bridge St. New information will also be posted as it becomes available at.
Q. How long will the new state of affairs in Farmington last?A. The abolition of death and other evils will last forever.
Q. Will this happen in other parts of the world?A. Some day the new order will be worldwide. It is not known when that day will be. Until that day, Farmington will be the only place changed.
Q. Won't Farmington become overcrowded and lose its small-town character that residents love so much?A. Farmington will never be overcrowded in the way that many cities are now crowded. The population will increase, but there is plenty of open space in Farmington to accommodate many more citizens. If more space is needed this will be accomplished by annexing another town to Farmington, though this will not be necessary for the next several years. Also, since people will live in harmony with one another, the problems that attend overcrowded places - crime, filth, etc., will never be problems in Farmington.
Q. What will happen if I leave Farmington? Will old diseases that I have been healed of here come back?A. Nothing that has been healed in Farmington will come back. I.e., if you had cancer, and it goes away, that cancer will not return when you leave the town. But new diseases can start outside Farmington as has always been the case.
Q. What will cause this amazing change?A. God will cause it by his own will.
Q. Why has Farmington been chosen?A. I do not know.
Q. What Scripture foretells the new order?A. Revelation 21:2-4 (the New Jerusalem). The name "Farmington" is not in the Bible, since no town by that name existed when John wrote. The location of the New Jerusalem was revealed directly to me by Christ.

So I decided to have some fun and email this woman.

After reading your article I must say I am very impressed. You have very interesting beliefs. I really appreciate you sharing this with the public. I look forward to the changes in the next coming months. I am curious, why haven't you chosen a larger media option to display God's message. I am thankful that I saw thoughtbridge's message board. One question. What happens if a radical person who does not believe in your message deliberately chooses to commit a crime after 6/6/06.

Here is the message I got back

Hi Marc, I see that you have a e-mail address. Are you at UMF? Student?Read my novel, _Farmington! Farmington!_ to get the fuller picture. You can order it from me directly or buy it at Devaney on Broadway, or at Ron's Market, which is right across the street from my house at High St. & Franklin Ave., Farmington. Any suggestions? I am always trying to publicize the message-- but I haven't got a great deal of money--and actually I am spending quite a bit to keep that brief summary on the Thoughtbridge billboard. I did speak of the prophecy in a fairly large Franklin Journal ad last fall, and I'll probably do so again before June 6. Thanks to Joel Batzell for keeping the billboard there and for being willing to post unusual messages. Not every medium will even publish a prophecy--I have had editors refuse to accept money for advertising space when they read the prophecy. (Joel is a prominent character in my novel too--I think God put him there by the bridge.)People in Farmington won't want to commit crimes. They won't need to believe in my message after June 6th--they will know from their own experience what God is saying to them as well as what is happening in Farmington, whether they believed my prophecy before that time or not. (I'm not sure why you specified "a radical person"--but whether they were radical or not Farmington will cure them of any bad intentions.) Thanks for writing--I'm always glad to hear from interested people.

So this person thinks that Farmington is going to become Jerusalem. IS THIS SERIOIUS. COME ON!


At 3/19/2006 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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