Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Job that keeps on giving

So here is my story

I am driving to Hannafords to get my groceries, my doors are off and my foot is outside the door. I look in my rear view mirror and see a cop with his lights on... I turn into Hannafords, He is following me. So I pull over.

Before I even get my license out he is at my door.

Can I see your license and Registration.

Sure officer hold on one second

Do you know you were going 47 in a 30

Oh man no I really didn't honestly (I really didn't)

I know it doesn't really matter officer but I work for a Police Department.

Oh yeah, which one

Marshfield Massachusetts, I know it doesn't matter I just thought I would say it

Well it matters to me, we are like family. Have a good day, and just slow it down, it would have been a 185 dollar ticket.

Well Thank you so much officer I really really appreciate it

I love life


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