Thursday, March 23, 2006


Ok I know most of the people who read this blog don't care about WDW.... but maybe this will intrigue some people

  • Behind the castle is a fountain with Cinderella. If you bend down and look at the fountain the crown on the back wall appears to crown Cinderella.
  • In the pre-show Muppet 3D room at MGM there is a net full of green jello hanging from the ceiling. It signifies Annette Funicello.
  • When you go to board the doom buggies at the Haunted Mansion - notice the last bat head before you board has no features on it, it is smooth from all the hands rubbing over it through the years.
  • The entrance to the park is like a theatre. The ticket area is like a lobby, you go through tunnels lined with "coming attraction" type posters. The train station is the curtain and then you go through it and you're in the show.
  • Main Street is designed, through forced perspective, to look as if it's much longer than it is when you're heading towards the castle. In the mornings, you are all excited and have the energy to walk. When you're walking away from the castle towards the exit, it looks shorter. That's good for the way out when you're all tired. Also, since most people walk on the right side of the street, all the food shops are on the right as you enter for those wanting breakfast, while the shops are on your right on the way out
  • Cinderella's Castle itself also features forced perspective, to make it appear larger. The castle was elevated at WDW because Walt had noted that he didn't think it was prominent enough at Disneyland.
  • In Frontierland, look down at the main walkway. Instead of just plain cement there's also and area a couple feet wide that goes all the way down the walkway and looks like a brownish/yellow gravel. It seems in frontier times the streets had a urine trough in them for the all of the horse urine. The gravel area represents the urine trough.
  • In the Great Movie RIde... In the Indiana Jones section, check out some of the wall tiles as fast as you can while the ride moves through. Most of them are normal hieroglyphs,one of the tiles has R2D2 and 3CPOand another has Donald Duck
  • At the Tusker House Restaurant in Animal Kingdom you can hear kitchen noises, if you sit in the outside dining area. It sounds like dishes clanging together, sweeping up broken glass, etc
  • The 13 lanterns hanging in the Liberty Square Tree representing the origianl 13 colonies.
  • t the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids play area, climb the stairs between the garden hose and the slide coming out of a roll of film. There is a dog nose. Put your hand in the nostrils. The dog sniffs you

MORE LATER IF YOU WANT.... Just post a comment and I promise sometime I will put a shit load down


At 3/23/2006 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heart disney :)


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