Saturday, March 25, 2006

Whats the deal???

Ok a couple of things have been bothering me. I am going to use my blog to release some anxiety.

1) Band T-Shirts
Ok here is my problem. If you wear band shirts great!, enjoy them. I am commending you, honestly. But if you are the type of person who DOES NOT regularly wear t-shirts then you fit into 2 categories. 1) You have never bought a band t-shirt and you never will. 2) You buy them and wear them only at concerts... If you are the second, you and I have a serious problem. Ok come on you and I BOTH know you fucking wasted 18 dollars on a piece of shit t-shirt you'll only wear once. Coincidentally you buy this T-shirt on the way out, so therefore you have to buy a ticket to the bands tour next year.... honestly this is what they want. They got you to buy a tshirt to buy a ticket next year. You know what you probably don't even like this band. Unfortunately you bought the shirt, shithead, now you have to pretend you are still interested in the band for the next year, buying their crappy CD's, Learning their crappy songs, etc. If you don't keep up with this band, then guess what, you wasted 18 bucks my friend. Ok here are some basic rules you MUST follow when considering purchasing a band T.
  • If this is your first "Rusted Root" show, don't fucking buy a shirt, you don't even know any of the songs. You just came to the concert because your friends dragged you here and you wanted to get drunk in the parking lot
  • Consider buying your "Vertical Horrizon" shirt prior to the concert incase you don't like their new cd, that way you can swap your new shirt for your old "BackStreet Boys" T.
  • If you are going to get a T then get a T.... dont' fucking kid around get a "Mister North" thong or bandana, because we both know you are NEVER going to wear it.
  • After purchasing your "311" shirt don't think you can get away with wearing it next month when you go to the "Dashboard" concert. Honestly you look like an idiot, people look at you and think "311, is this guy serious he is at a Dashboard concert, does he think this is 311, wait maybe 311 is opening"..... Look now you confused this poor schumck, who will also probably buy a Dashboard t shirt

Well I wrote about PJs, Drunk people, and Camps.... but guess what I lost it all


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