Friday, March 31, 2006


So I need to do a 120 hour Practicum for school (like a mini-internship). I have been looking for companies that take adults with disabilities to Walt Disney World. That is when I stumbled on this website .... take a look... If you aren't going to look i'll explain it. It is a company based in several cities that plans trips to spots all over the world, Bahamas, Los Angeles, WDW, France, etc. We I emailed the person who is in charged and asked if I could volunteer on a trip to Walt Disney World.. Here is the reply I got

Hi Marc, We're moving and expanding our MA office, but since we needed more affordable space we moved in west of Boston. May 1 we open it in a small town, PALMER, which is about 15 minutes east of Springfield, MA. So I don't know if that would be too far for you. It's a big office (an old school building) with lots of windows and air so we think it will be pleasant to work in. If you're interested I believe we can work this out. We've had interns before, and I have an masters in recreation so can probably qualify to supervise any field projects. We have an operation in Orlando with 3 staff working there (they went to the Bahamas today!). But they typically don't need any more staff; three are sufficient more most tours. They run all the Disney stuff there, but don't participate in other operational functions. However, we also have tours in Los Angeles that go to Disneyland and Universal Studios, etc. We closed down our office there a couple years ago so now we fly staff in for those tours. Maybe that would be an attractive alternative to Orlando? We have a trip monthly to Los Angeles. Let me know what you think. I just returned from our MA office to MN, and will be out here until April 15th, then back to MA for a little while. We're actually moving our customer service and administration to Palmer, MA (currently in MN) so our presence will increase in MA and we will maintain a smaller operation in MN. So in May I'll pretty much be in MA full-time.

So if you read that correctly, I was offered a position to go to Disneyland, in Cali... FOR FREEE!!!.... and I get to help out some people with Disabilites who love Mickey... just like me : ) So I am VERY Happy right now!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

2007 Jeep Wrangler

Ok so it has 2 months since Jeep unveiled the 2007 wrangler at the Detroit Car Show, while I am still waiting for them to unveil the 4 door I decided to share some pictures of the 2 door with all of you. IF you glance quickly you may think this just looks like my car. We'll I will point out the differences to the untrained eye. The Fender flares are 3 inches wider, frond blinkers are underneath the lights, foglights on the bumper, 3 extra inches of ground clearance, 5 inches longer, the front grill is angled for aerodynamics, plus MUCH MUCH more

In the rear you'll notice COMPLETELY different taillights, which is really weird because Jeep has been using the same lights since the early

70's. Also the interior's has two 6 extra inches
in the pathetic excuse for a trunk in my car
The rear door now has an actual handle . One weird thing I don't like is the rear bumper has a mold to fit the tire. Only problem is if someone gets a larger than stock tire they will need to get a new bumper? Of course the doors are still removable as evident by the exterior hinges.

inside you'll notice the new Wrangler has COMPLETELY changed for the better. The dashboard is more manageable, two tweeters on either side. REAL speakers next to the doors (instead of the TINY 4X5 in mine. Also something weird is Power windows and locks. I am a little confused on how this will work with removable doors. I assume there will be a wire that can easily be detached. Also the cab has been extended inside to proved 5 inches or hip and shoulder room as well as 3 extra inches to the back seat

NOW HERE IS THE COOL PART.. A three way Hard top configuration. Basically there is no need for a soft top. If you just carry the front two sections in your trunk you can just pull over if it is going to RAIN!!... I love this feature. Also the top is going to be made of some composite to make it 1/2 as heavy as it is right now. I just removed my Hard Top yesterday, while it isn't Extremely heavy, it definitely requires two people

Your thoughts?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The World Showcase

The world has grown in unimaginable ways since 1982. We live in a very different world than we did 24 years ago.Except at Epcot.There, the world has barely grown at all – World Showcase, that is.With only two countries (Norway and Morocco) added between 1982 and 2006, Epcot’s World Showcase is at once the most charming and the most stagnant place at Walt Disney World.When Epcot opened, the plan was to include a number of pavilions that were never built: equatorial Africa, Israel and Spain were announced as “coming” additions to World Showcase. Two of the concepts – Israel and Spain – were abandoned, although during EPCOT Center’s early operations there were actually signs announcing the future development of these pavilions.Development of the Africa pavilion continued, despite some quiet criticisms that it was reducing an entire continent of more than 50 countries to a caricature of mysterious jungles and safari animals. Ultimately, many of the concepts behind the African pavilion were incorporated into the more expansive and representative Africa section of Disney’s Animal Kingdom.In ensuing years, Imagineers flirted with a Switzerland pavilion, a Venezuela pavilion and a USSR pavilion – whose completed plans came tantalizingly close to being realized, but were abandoned once communism fell in 1989.Epcot’s history is likewise filled with never-realized World Showcase attractions within individual pavilions. “Meet the World,” a combination of film and Audio-Animatronic effects that played for years at Tokyo Disneyland was supposed to come to Epcot, but never did. A “Mt. Fuji” roller-coaster-style attraction was designed for the Japan pavilion but never built. The “Rhine River Cruise” originally announced for the Germany pavilion never came to fruition (though one can assume it got far down the path to reality given that the entrance to Germany’s Biergarten restaurant looks more than a little like a ride queue area).While World Showcase has been all but ignored, Disney built the Disney-MGM Studios, Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Pleasure Island, Typhoon Lagoon, Blizzard Beach, the Caribbean Beach Resort, the Port Orleans and Dixie Landings Resorts, the Wilderness Lodge, the Yacht Club and the Beach Club, the Animal Kingdom Lodge, the Coronado Springs Resort, the All-Star Movies and All-Star Sports Resorts – and that’s just at Walt Disney World. While Imagineers built Disneyland Paris and its resorts, California Adventure, Hong Kong Disneyland and too many other places to name here, guess what happened to World Showcase?Nothing.As you can easily see from satellite images, World Showcase has room for at least five more additions.The debates about what countries should be added could easily be endless. (My personal vote would be to develop pavilions for Egypt, Australia, Brazil, Russia and Malaysia – a good cross-section of cultures from different continents, avoiding the over-represented Europe.) Hopefully new management at Disney means that someone, somewhere, will think it might be a good idea to spend $100 million or so on a new pavilion for Epcot’s World Showcase.It would be a good idea. It would prove that Disney is ready to move on from 1982, ready to put some thought and effort into its grand and amazing Epcot experiment. It would give Imagineers a chance to design something truly amazing, a new addition to Epcot that utilizes both “old” and “new” technologies.Disney’s proven time and again it’s willing to invest money in just about anything except Epcot. If the company wants to change this impression, World Showcase would be a very good place to start

Whats wrong?

Ok everyone take a look at this picture... Try and figure out what is wrong. I'll give you a hint. Someone doesn't know how to wear classes

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Job that keeps on giving

So here is my story

I am driving to Hannafords to get my groceries, my doors are off and my foot is outside the door. I look in my rear view mirror and see a cop with his lights on... I turn into Hannafords, He is following me. So I pull over.

Before I even get my license out he is at my door.

Can I see your license and Registration.

Sure officer hold on one second

Do you know you were going 47 in a 30

Oh man no I really didn't honestly (I really didn't)

I know it doesn't really matter officer but I work for a Police Department.

Oh yeah, which one

Marshfield Massachusetts, I know it doesn't matter I just thought I would say it

Well it matters to me, we are like family. Have a good day, and just slow it down, it would have been a 185 dollar ticket.

Well Thank you so much officer I really really appreciate it

I love life

I'll give you 50 bucks

I'll give someone 50 bucks to tell me who this is

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Whats the deal???

Ok a couple of things have been bothering me. I am going to use my blog to release some anxiety.

1) Band T-Shirts
Ok here is my problem. If you wear band shirts great!, enjoy them. I am commending you, honestly. But if you are the type of person who DOES NOT regularly wear t-shirts then you fit into 2 categories. 1) You have never bought a band t-shirt and you never will. 2) You buy them and wear them only at concerts... If you are the second, you and I have a serious problem. Ok come on you and I BOTH know you fucking wasted 18 dollars on a piece of shit t-shirt you'll only wear once. Coincidentally you buy this T-shirt on the way out, so therefore you have to buy a ticket to the bands tour next year.... honestly this is what they want. They got you to buy a tshirt to buy a ticket next year. You know what you probably don't even like this band. Unfortunately you bought the shirt, shithead, now you have to pretend you are still interested in the band for the next year, buying their crappy CD's, Learning their crappy songs, etc. If you don't keep up with this band, then guess what, you wasted 18 bucks my friend. Ok here are some basic rules you MUST follow when considering purchasing a band T.
  • If this is your first "Rusted Root" show, don't fucking buy a shirt, you don't even know any of the songs. You just came to the concert because your friends dragged you here and you wanted to get drunk in the parking lot
  • Consider buying your "Vertical Horrizon" shirt prior to the concert incase you don't like their new cd, that way you can swap your new shirt for your old "BackStreet Boys" T.
  • If you are going to get a T then get a T.... dont' fucking kid around get a "Mister North" thong or bandana, because we both know you are NEVER going to wear it.
  • After purchasing your "311" shirt don't think you can get away with wearing it next month when you go to the "Dashboard" concert. Honestly you look like an idiot, people look at you and think "311, is this guy serious he is at a Dashboard concert, does he think this is 311, wait maybe 311 is opening"..... Look now you confused this poor schumck, who will also probably buy a Dashboard t shirt

Well I wrote about PJs, Drunk people, and Camps.... but guess what I lost it all

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Who has viewed my blog

You might be thinking to yourself... Why do I check Marc's Blog... I mean it isn't like I care about any of the shit that he writes about... Well have no fear lots of people have checked it Here is a list from IM Chaos... Mostly people I know... a couple who I NEVER thought would read it... so its funny. ENJOY

MeLMeL4850 2 times Jensenmonk103 5 times MillerTime63821 9 times

MagsD1011 3times BFin620 2times Jax83841 time Cuuuuuuurtis 5 times

WalkByTwilight 2 times snackofasailor 2times Chachiness 5 times

PSULL15 3 times SAngel907 4 times raptorage84 1 time larzman182 2 times

AirLeEleE4 3 times Moonstar303 1 time masterPIratE13 3 times Ugather 4 times

KRiSteNS10 1 time Ugather 4 times Cowgrl035 3 times Du22ke 2 times

alieD07 2 times CarrieThePearl 2 times mrm10270 2 times sublimity8 1 time

ScubaJen08 1 times d9p2s7 2 times fntsyreality 4 times DeAnna1103997 1 time

bosox591 1 time KailJean2 1 time MallyG05 1 time KailJean2 1 time biggie03b 1 time

AOLSystemMsg 1 time Newby1012 1 time

Rob's Website

Hey here is my friend Rob website... Take a peak at it... There are alot of cool links


Trying to find some more

  • Epcot has solar powered Lawn Mowers
  • At the end of Kali River Rapids, you float by sculptures of elephants. Their trunks are raised. As you go under them you get sprayed with water. Just before the elephants, there is a bridge. There are two buttons on the bridge that control the water spray.
  • There is a 5 legged mountain goat on the mural at the Grand Canyon Concourse in the Contemporary Resort.
  • At the train station in the Magic Kingdom. Up on one of the shelves you can see Aladdin's lamp as well as other characters belongings waiting to be picked up
  • When you go to Sir Mickey's Shop in Fantasyland look at where the roof meets the walls. You will see Willie the Giant from Mickey and the Beanstalk peeking into the shop
  • Request from a CM to ride with the pilot (right in the front) of the monorail.
  • In MgM on the street in the New York neighborhood you can hear gangsters talking and gun shots inside the buildings.
  • Beaches N Creme restaurant there's a cool old Wurlitzer jukebox full of Rock N Roll classics that plays for free.
  • On Star Tours, right as your leaving the droid room entering the staging area look up and you'll see 2 mechanical birds; a neat homage to the 2 crows on Splash Mt. just before the big drop.
  • The very last tombstone before you enter the Haunted Mansion moves. Her name is Leota and she opens her eyes suddenly, looks around, then closes them.
  • Tower of Terror at MGM is 199 feet tall. It was supposed to be 200 feet but for a structure 200 feet tall you need lights at the top for airplanes to see.
  • In the Tower of Terror, the luggage in the lobby is a complete set made from genuine alligator skin. While looking through a 1930s furniture catalog, Imagineers decided to call the company to see if they were still in business. They were, and Walt Disney Imagineering had them reproduce two settees for the lobby. It is said that Imagineers had mahjongg players set up the game in the lobby so guests who know how to play the game can see that it is authentic. The top speed for The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is said to be about 39mph. When you board the elevator, on the left side, outside of the elevator itself, is an inspection certificate that's dated Oct. 31, 1939, and signed by "Cadwallader". Cadwallader was a character in the sixth Twilight Zone episode "Escape Clause" who actually turned out to be the Devil himself. the inspection certificate number is 10259, which is cool because The Twilight Zone's first episode ("Where Is Everybody") premiered on Oct. 2, 1959.
  • In Pirates of the Caribbean, there is a ghost by the name of George. He was an Imagineer who died during the building of the ride, supposedly IN the building. If the workers do not say goodbye to George every night as the last thing they do before closing the attraction, there are technical difficulties the next morning
  • In the AK if you stand facing Tusker house and listen you can hear the landlady banging on the door in the room upstairs trying to get in.
  • In the loading area of Kali River Ride look for the real Geicko in one of the cabinets in the waiting quenue
  • the red, yellow, and white pipes above the load area at "Dinosaur" are for Ketchup, Mustard, and Mayonaise and that the letters on each pipe are their chemical formulas
  • In the MK if you go to The Partners Statue in front of the castle and look at the ring on Walt's hand, you will see a hidden Mickey(ABOVE)
  • In the Great Movie Ride the Gangsters License plat reads "021-429 " Signifying the Valentines day Massacre, FEBRUARY 14,1929


Ok I know most of the people who read this blog don't care about WDW.... but maybe this will intrigue some people

  • Behind the castle is a fountain with Cinderella. If you bend down and look at the fountain the crown on the back wall appears to crown Cinderella.
  • In the pre-show Muppet 3D room at MGM there is a net full of green jello hanging from the ceiling. It signifies Annette Funicello.
  • When you go to board the doom buggies at the Haunted Mansion - notice the last bat head before you board has no features on it, it is smooth from all the hands rubbing over it through the years.
  • The entrance to the park is like a theatre. The ticket area is like a lobby, you go through tunnels lined with "coming attraction" type posters. The train station is the curtain and then you go through it and you're in the show.
  • Main Street is designed, through forced perspective, to look as if it's much longer than it is when you're heading towards the castle. In the mornings, you are all excited and have the energy to walk. When you're walking away from the castle towards the exit, it looks shorter. That's good for the way out when you're all tired. Also, since most people walk on the right side of the street, all the food shops are on the right as you enter for those wanting breakfast, while the shops are on your right on the way out
  • Cinderella's Castle itself also features forced perspective, to make it appear larger. The castle was elevated at WDW because Walt had noted that he didn't think it was prominent enough at Disneyland.
  • In Frontierland, look down at the main walkway. Instead of just plain cement there's also and area a couple feet wide that goes all the way down the walkway and looks like a brownish/yellow gravel. It seems in frontier times the streets had a urine trough in them for the all of the horse urine. The gravel area represents the urine trough.
  • In the Great Movie RIde... In the Indiana Jones section, check out some of the wall tiles as fast as you can while the ride moves through. Most of them are normal hieroglyphs,one of the tiles has R2D2 and 3CPOand another has Donald Duck
  • At the Tusker House Restaurant in Animal Kingdom you can hear kitchen noises, if you sit in the outside dining area. It sounds like dishes clanging together, sweeping up broken glass, etc
  • The 13 lanterns hanging in the Liberty Square Tree representing the origianl 13 colonies.
  • t the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids play area, climb the stairs between the garden hose and the slide coming out of a roll of film. There is a dog nose. Put your hand in the nostrils. The dog sniffs you

MORE LATER IF YOU WANT.... Just post a comment and I promise sometime I will put a shit load down

Monday, March 20, 2006


Reasons why Zack should be sent to Iraq:

Advanced Military Logistics – When Zack was forced by Mr. Belding (what a prick) to join ROTC; cadet Morris met the challenge by beating the pants off the “jocks” in a physical competition, despite the fact he was on a team of complete nerds (i.e. Screech). Zack accomplished this by boasting the teams’ morale and decisive strategizing.

Superior Intelligence – Um, we’re talking about a guy who got a 1502 on the SATs, which beat the pants off of Jessie Spano and her weak 1200. (Side note: Jessie was a pill popping hussy. Had she lain off the sauce maybe she would’ve made it the College Years.)

Psychological Warfare – When looking to snare Kelly as his date in an upcoming Bayside pageant, Zack employed the tactical method of subliminal messaging; infecting Bayside with a serious case of “Zack Fever”.

Athletic Prowess – Two words: “Running Zack”.

Technologically Advanced – His cell phone could launch Patriot Missiles while answering calls to his 900 number advice line.

Reinforcements – Zack Attack wasn’t just a band, folks. And “Friends Forever” wasn’t just a hit single; it was a way of life.

In conclusion, let the facts speak for themselves. Zack is the kind of guy who can walk into a suck-a-mongus situation and leave it sparkling. Look at what he did for the Malibu Sand Beach Club! Even with a feces-eating boss like Mr. Carosi up in Zack’s grill, he STILL turned that bozac beach club into a summer hotspot. Just imagine what he could do for Iraq?!?! Imagine the hilarity, which would ensue as he confronts Sadam!!! I smell detention!! The only way to find out is to DEPLOY CADET MORRIS!!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Farmington Becomes the NEXT jerusalem

So there is a board above a shitty house down town that says "Farmington becomes the NEXT jerusalem on 6/6/06. See Here is what that website says

In the town of Farmington, Maine, a new state of affairs will soon exist which the world has never seen before. This change will occur on June 6, 2006.
Thereafter, there will be no death and no illness (except the remnants of earlier illnesses which will go away in three days or less) within the municipal limits of Farmington. Nor will there be any crime or bad behavior. You will be safe in Farmington; nothing will harm you here. The rest of the world is still the way it has been for millennia, so if you go outside the borders of Farmington you will not be protected in this particular way, though you will be no worse off than before.
Farmington will, of course, remain as free as any other American town. You may stay or leave as you choose. Nobody will try to make you stay or make you leave. Nor will anyone in Farmington try to keep anyone out. Do whatever God leads you to do.
There will be public meetings every week or so to discuss new questions that may come up because of this drastic change in the nature of Farmington. Anyone may attend them. The first such meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 6, at 7:30 p.m. in Meetinghouse Park, weather permitting.
There will be an information center for visitors and newcomers, probably at Thoughtbridge, 1 Bridge St. New information will also be posted as it becomes available at.
Q. How long will the new state of affairs in Farmington last?A. The abolition of death and other evils will last forever.
Q. Will this happen in other parts of the world?A. Some day the new order will be worldwide. It is not known when that day will be. Until that day, Farmington will be the only place changed.
Q. Won't Farmington become overcrowded and lose its small-town character that residents love so much?A. Farmington will never be overcrowded in the way that many cities are now crowded. The population will increase, but there is plenty of open space in Farmington to accommodate many more citizens. If more space is needed this will be accomplished by annexing another town to Farmington, though this will not be necessary for the next several years. Also, since people will live in harmony with one another, the problems that attend overcrowded places - crime, filth, etc., will never be problems in Farmington.
Q. What will happen if I leave Farmington? Will old diseases that I have been healed of here come back?A. Nothing that has been healed in Farmington will come back. I.e., if you had cancer, and it goes away, that cancer will not return when you leave the town. But new diseases can start outside Farmington as has always been the case.
Q. What will cause this amazing change?A. God will cause it by his own will.
Q. Why has Farmington been chosen?A. I do not know.
Q. What Scripture foretells the new order?A. Revelation 21:2-4 (the New Jerusalem). The name "Farmington" is not in the Bible, since no town by that name existed when John wrote. The location of the New Jerusalem was revealed directly to me by Christ.

So I decided to have some fun and email this woman.

After reading your article I must say I am very impressed. You have very interesting beliefs. I really appreciate you sharing this with the public. I look forward to the changes in the next coming months. I am curious, why haven't you chosen a larger media option to display God's message. I am thankful that I saw thoughtbridge's message board. One question. What happens if a radical person who does not believe in your message deliberately chooses to commit a crime after 6/6/06.

Here is the message I got back

Hi Marc, I see that you have a e-mail address. Are you at UMF? Student?Read my novel, _Farmington! Farmington!_ to get the fuller picture. You can order it from me directly or buy it at Devaney on Broadway, or at Ron's Market, which is right across the street from my house at High St. & Franklin Ave., Farmington. Any suggestions? I am always trying to publicize the message-- but I haven't got a great deal of money--and actually I am spending quite a bit to keep that brief summary on the Thoughtbridge billboard. I did speak of the prophecy in a fairly large Franklin Journal ad last fall, and I'll probably do so again before June 6. Thanks to Joel Batzell for keeping the billboard there and for being willing to post unusual messages. Not every medium will even publish a prophecy--I have had editors refuse to accept money for advertising space when they read the prophecy. (Joel is a prominent character in my novel too--I think God put him there by the bridge.)People in Farmington won't want to commit crimes. They won't need to believe in my message after June 6th--they will know from their own experience what God is saying to them as well as what is happening in Farmington, whether they believed my prophecy before that time or not. (I'm not sure why you specified "a radical person"--but whether they were radical or not Farmington will cure them of any bad intentions.) Thanks for writing--I'm always glad to hear from interested people.

So this person thinks that Farmington is going to become Jerusalem. IS THIS SERIOIUS. COME ON!

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Ok so I realize very few people are as excited as I am about Disney Pixar's CARS, opening on June 9th. Here is a little background of the movie.

  1. Was supposed to be the last Disney+ Pixar movie
  2. The Director passed away during production
  3. Many people think this movie has heavy Nascar influences, it does not.
  4. Last week Owners of AMC, Loews, and Regal movie theaters previewed Cars. They agreed that it is the BEST animated (CGI or not) movie since Beauty and the Beast

PLOT- (from what I have gathered during reports of others viewing the movie)

Lighting McQueen (Owen Wilson) must get to his next race in Californina. While traveling he breaks down in a tiny town in the Mid west of of route 66. He becomes friends with the all of the towns inhabitants. The underlying story shows the audience how many places across the country turned to ghost towns after the US highway system was established in the 60's-70s-80's.

I'll post some pictures of the characters when I have some time. But for now check out the CARS Showcase. The website is cleverly designed after a online showcase that an actual car company would publish showcasing their latest models

Friday, March 17, 2006


Hey everyone Happy St. Pete's Day I don't really have anything fun for today. Just reminding everyone to come to 162 High Street APT 5 tonite for the Beirut Tournament. (starts at 9)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Busy Thursday

Hi. My name is
Robert. I used to
go to school here.
Can I take your

Remember is AOL

He wanted a Crown
Victoria with
a "Police Package"

Sounds like Pat
Sullivan haha

PS look behing you
Robert ,Your are about
to get mugged

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I HATE THIS CAT.... I honestly want to kill it... Seriously this is a horrible cat


Whats funnier? Kids in the back or

the guys in the front.... I bet you 100 million

dollars someone will say something about


I love Salvation Army shirts

Bandanas, LL Cool J hats, and cut off

tees.... Can't get more white trash

then that

NICE SHIRT FINNY... honestly Like

it is really nice you should market

Tiny Texas Rangers

So I realize I just posted my first post, well here is my second.

Pat just sent me this link

It is by far the worst thing I have ever seen. Yet it is hilaroius. Please take three minutes and watch this

Dear two kids in the video,
Hello my name is Marc Craig. I hope you don't mind but I am posting your video on my blog. Actually you know what I don't care if you care. You are the most annoying people I have ever met. If I EVER see you on the street I will walk up to you and punch you in the face. Then I will proceed to open up your chest and rip out your heart and hold it in my hand I will then make you watch it beat before I squeeze it. HOW DARE you post a video of yourself LIP SYNCING to the MORTAL COMBAT theme song. Well I hope I see you soon.


First Post

Welcome everyone to my Blog. I am going to try to update this rather frequently. Out of sheer boredom I decided to create this blog. Maybe someone out there will care enough to check this blog frequently.

Future Posts will include
  • UMF related issues or problems I have
  • Funny pictures I have found and would like to share
  • Disney related news or rumors
  • Random Stories from my life
  • ANYTHING else